Atignas Art

Homey (2019)

94.5x70.9 in ~ Painting, Acrylic

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Presenting "Homey" and the story behind it.
I see more colors in my mobile screen than in the real world. Is the world around turning black & white or I am making mobile as my world? Colors are noticed more in photographs than in real life, as technology helps to stop time and motion and allows us to focus. In reality, I see but I don't observe. I don't focus to see the colors. By the time I come across any color, my eyes moves and the subject is blurred. I take real world for granted. So I try to observe colors in real life and one such color I came across is copper. I created a large artwork based on it, to have an impact, to make myself more sensitive to the colors around me. Copper being a blend of red, brown and orange, can be teamed with a broad range of hues from the cool side of the spectrum, such as turquoise, purple, and navy. Copper has a comforting, homely feel that makes it feel more approachable and down-to-earth. Venus, the goddess of love, was associated with copper in mythology, in part due to its beauty.


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